Is work working for you?
60% of people are emotionally disengaged at work, and 18% are MISERABLE! (Gallup 2024 – click here to access the full report )
Imagine sitting down in five years and reflecting on all the nonsensical behaviours we engage in today’s society, dear friend.
Remember we gave smartphones to seven-year-olds?
Remember we ate food that made us sick?
Remember we thought charisma and celebrity were measures of fitness to lead?
Remember we hated work because of pressure, stress, apathy, feelings of worthlessness and overwhelm?
Remember when work was detrimental to the rest of our lives and made us unwell?
It’s hard to believe that we can’t disrupt the disruption.
People in our society are already showing the way: the prophets, the impartial scientists, the good leaders and the unafraid.
I’m now gathering the big issues into one book, ‘Work’s not Working,’ contextualised globally and told from the perspective of the employer and the employee. I’m mining the research and my network for the gold-standard practitioners who have successfully innovated their businesses and company cultures to house an engaged, productive, diverse, and endowed workforce.
Are you tormented by a workforce with their own interpretation of remote working? Are you stymied by policies that don’t support your life outside of work? Have you implemented an initiative that has had a transformative effect on company culture?
I want to hear from you if you are experiencing what’s wrong with our workplaces and if you work in a country or company that is doing things differently and better.
Better is always possible. And out there, in isolated pockets, a lot of the hard work has already been done.
If you want to share, please get in touch at [email protected]